The law firm


The law firm Hincker & Associés was founded by Laurent Hincker, lawyer since 1971. Being a certified specialist in International and European Law, M. Hincker has developed an extensive knowledge in this matter, in particular regarding Human Rights. For many years now, he intervenes regularly before the European Court of Human Rights. He has pleaded in numerous cases of principle before the Grand Chamber.

Fabian Hincker is a lawyer and Partner at Hincker & Associés. He graduated from ESSEC business school and takes part in the development of our departments “Human Rights” and “International Law and Arbitration”.

The Partners of Hincker & Associés, Laurent and Fabian Hincker, lead a multilingual team of lawyers specialised in International Law and Human Rights, one of them being a former trainee at the European Court of Human Rights.


 Psychological Harassment:

  •  IFRAV (Institute of education research action against psychological harassment and all kinds of violence): Psycho-social programme searching for civic solutions as well as an aid cell that can be consulted in regard of the above mentioned issues
  • SOS Racisme

Human Rights and International Law

  • AFREDH (Association of Education and Research of Human Rights, EU Law and European Law)
  • La ligue de l’enseignement
  • Neway
  • Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA)
  • Union des Avocats Européens

Business Law and Economic Strategies

  • Cercle K2
  • Transition Consulting
  • FIDIE (International Forum of Businesses)

Traffic accidents

  • AIVAR : Support Association for Victims of Road Accidents

Penitentiary Law

  • Observatoire international des Prisons – French Section (OIP) and European Network of Research and Lawsuits in penitentiary proceedings

Franco-German Law


Ukrainian Law / International Law

  • INYURPOLIS LAW FIRM, “ILF”, based in Kyiv, 22, Shovkovychna Street, 01024, and Kharkiv (14-A, Skrypnyka Street, 61057)
  • YURI RUDENKO, Law Office in Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Ukrainian Bar Association for Foreign Affairs
  •  Law Firm « COLARES »
  • Law Firm « ACTIO »
  • Crimean Human Rights Field mission

Russian Law / International Law

  • Centre of International Protection
  • Law Firm « Sidorov’s & Partners »

Moldavian Law / International Law

  • Lawyer Vyacheslav TSURKAN
  • Lawyer Doina Iona STRAISTEANU

Criminal Law

  •  IFREM (Institute of Education and Research of Mediation)